
Saudi Arabia

That You Didn't Know

Quick Facts about

What's The Weather Like?

It is Not Always Hot


Summmer: 35°C-50°C


Winter: 19°C-30°C


Little rainfall, infrequent dust and sandstorm

Rich in Attractions

Yellow Location Pin

Historical ruins, tombs and forts 

Yellow Location Pin

Most picturesque mosques & luxurious resorts

Yellow Location Pin

Beautiful beaches, oases and landscapes


Does Saudi Arabia Deserve to be in Bucket List?

UNESCO Approves It

There are six UNESCO Sites in Saudi Arabia - all of cultural significance.

Is Saudi Arabia Huge?

Winston's Hiccup

Saudi Arabia is the 12th largest country. In 1921, Winston Churchill was denoting the Saudi Arabia-Jordan boundaries, and due to boozing, his hand slipped, stretching the area of Saudi by a triangle, approximately thousands of kilometres. 

Do I Need Visa?

Say Hi to eVisa 

Since 2019, Saudi Arabia has simplified the process for millions of tourists by introducing the eVisa program. 

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Is it Only Desert All Around?

There are NO rivers

Saudi Arabia is the largest country globally, with no natural rivers or lakes. The freshwater that you'll find here is the result of underground reservoirs or desalination. 

What To Eat? 

Arabs Love Food

The Kingdom's generosity and warmth is reflected in their platter as well. Arabic food largely depends on bread, meat, potatoes and rice. 

What's In The Future?

Jeddah Tower

Saudi Arabia is set for the world's tallest building, with the announcement of Jeddah Tower, 180 m taller than Burj Khalifa.