Saudi Arabia Photo Size Guide

Visiting Saudi Arabia? You must be contemplating the requirements of getting the visa. Getting a Saudi Arabia visa for UAE residents might look cumbersome and complicated. Visitors have to look after everything; applying for the right kind of visa, collecting all documents that support the visa, preparing for an interview, and dealing with the fear of getting rejected.

Well, getting a Saudi Visa is easy if you follow all the rules and regulations. One of the biggest problems that you as an applicant can face while filling out the form is the accurate Saudi Arabia visa photo dimensions and size. 

Well, if you are also stuck on the same issue, this guide has got you covered. Read on to learn all the information and requirements of Saudi Arabia photo for visa.

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A. Saudi Arabia Visa Photo Size & Resolution 

  • As per the Saudi Embassy rules, the visa photograph should be 2 (height) * 2 (width) inches. 
  • The resolution of this passport-size photo must be at least 600 dpi. 
  • Saudi Visa photo size must be 5kb – 100kb. 

B. Saudi Arabia Visa Photo Specifications 

1. Posture and Expressions 

  • You should sit straight and look directly into the camera. The photo should have a full-face view that is an uninterrupted view of all facial features. Do not hide your forehead, ears, chin, or neck. 
  • Do not look away from the camera. Do not give a side or angled view of the face or eyes, as this could get your visa rejected. 
  • Your face should be perpendicular to the camera to ensure that all sides of your face should be visible.
  • The face should cover 70-80% of the photo. 
  • It is best to keep a neutral and natural expression, rather than smiling, grinning, or frowning. 
  • Keep your head straight, and not tiled towards any side.
  • Keep your mouth closed and do not pose as a portrait. 

2. Eyes and Clarity 

  • Your eyes must be completely open meeting the camera lens. They should be on level and clearly visible. 
  • Do not wear sunglasses or spectacles with tinted glass. This’ll hide your eyes. 
  • You can wear prescribed glasses for eyesight which have clear glasses. It should be not too big. 
  • Also, note that the shadow or reflection of the frame does not cover your eyes. 

3. Lighting & Background of Saudi Visa Photo 

  • It is advisable to take pictures in natural light or sufficient artificial light. Avoid clicking pictures in dark rooms or with a low-light setup.
  • Do not take pictures in filter or effect. Overly brightened or lightened photos with flash reflections are rejected. 
  • Unnatural skin tone or washed-out color of the face is also not accepted. 
  • Adjust the light properly to avoid shadows falling behind the head or across the face. 
  • It should be colored, and not black and white. 
  • Do not upload hazy, blurry, or low-quality photos. Keep in mind that the facial features are clearly visible. 
  • Only use white and plain background — there is no debate about it. There should not be any patterns or colors on it. 
  • There should not be any shadow in the photograph. 

4. Headwear & Dress Code 

  • Headwear is permitted only if it is for religious purposes, or else completely avoid wearing any cap, hat, or scarf in the Saudi visa photo. Even when you wear hear coverings, make sure that all the facial features, including chin and forehead are clearly shown. 
  • As we have already mentioned the background should be white, so, wear an outfit that is in contrast to the setting. Do not wear a white shirt or top that merges with the background. 
  • Although the dress is hardly visible in the Saudi visa photo, it is preferable to wear a proper, formal, and modest dress. 

5. Appearance 

  • Keep a decent and moderate hairstyle rather than spikes.
  • It would be best to cut or shave your beard. However, you can keep the beard if it’s important in terms of religion or is a part of your everyday look.
  • Keep your hair intact and off your face or eyes.

C. Saudi Arabia Visa Guidelines for Kids 

If you are traveling to Saudi Arabia with your family and kids, it is mandatory to apply for everyone’s visas. Here are the requirements for a Saudi Visa photo for children. 

  • Parents must ensure that the child is awake and his/her eyes remain open.
  • The background should be white, regardless of where you click the photo. If you are taking the photo in the car, you can tuck in a white cloth on the seat. 
  • If the child is sitting on your lap, ensure that you aren’t visible in the back. Nothing else should appear with the child in the photo, not even your hands. Place a layer of white cloth behind or underneath the baby. 
  • Keep his head straight. Do let the child wear headgear or carry any object/ toy in the photo. 

D. Other Rules for Saudi Arabia Visa Photo

Saudi Visa Photo

  • Make sure to submit a recent photograph, not older than 6 months. 
  • Submit 2 copies of your photograph. 
  • If you are submitting a physical form, keep in mind that you do not place  

Is everyone required to submit a visa photo?

If you are eligible for a Saudi Arabia eVisa or visa on arrival you are not required to follow these specifications as there is no need to submit visa photos. However, if you are submitting the visa application at the Embassy or visa applications center, a visa photo is a must. 

Where to click Saudi visa photos?

The best place to take Saudi Visa photos is from a professional photographer. But, in case you do not have access to such a service, you can click the photo at home with the right equipment, digital camera, and good lighting. 

How can I submit Saudi Arabia visa photos? 

To submit a Saudi Arabia visa application, supporting documents, and photos, you must reach out to the Embassy and Consulate. For easier service, you can simply contact our visa application center online and get all assistance in the comfort of your home. You can check Saudi Arabia visa status thereafter. 

What type of paper should I print my photos on?

Photos must be printed on photo-quality paper, either glossy or matte.

What is Saudi Visa photo size in cm?

A Saudi Arabia visa photo size in cm is 3.5cm in width and 4.5cm in height. The size must be between 5 and 100kb.

Can I submit a Black and White Photo for Saudi Visa?

Colored photos are necessary. Black and white photos are not allowed.


We hope this blog has sorted all your confusion on how to take the ideal Saudi visa photo. We will keep updating the list as the rule changes. 

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